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Roundface Surface Thermocouple Probes

88000 SeriesThermocouples

Roundface Surface Thermocouple Probes | 88000 SeriesThermocouples

Roundface Surface Thermocouple Probes

£211.71 88011K-IEC

  • K and E ThermocoupleTypes
  • Ideal for measuring the surface temperature of plates, walls, moulds, dies and other stationary surfaces.
  • Sturdy Round Face Sensing Head
  • To Maximum Temperature of 480°C.
  • TAS Adapters Sold Separately
Thermocouples - View related products


Model 88001(*)-IEC
Standard probe for stationary surface measurements. Suited to moulds, plates, walls, glassware, etc. 480°C max. surface temperature.

Model 88002(*)-IEC
Ideal for measuring the surface temperature of plates, walls, moulds, dies and other stationary surfaces. The thermocouple is protected by two PFA guards. 250°C. max. surface temperature.
Probe is not designed for long-term exposure to high temperatures.

Model 88003(*)-IEC
For surface measurements of materials such as stone, iron and steel. The element is protected by metal side guards. 480°C. max. surface temperature.

Model 88011(*)-IEC
Designed to measure the surface of pipes with a 30 mm diameter, with a max. surface temperature of 250°C. Probe is not designed for long-term exposure to high temperature.

Model 88012(*)-IEC
Ideal for measurements of small surfaces. The probe has a 6 mm surface diameter, with a 480°C max. surface temperature.

Model 88101(*)-IEC
For measuring stationary surface temperatures, with a right-angle head for hard-to-reach inside surfaces. 480°C. max. surface temperature.

Model 88102(*)-IEC
Right-angle, pencil-type surface probe, best suited to stationary surfaces. Sensing element is perpendicular to the handle 250°C max. surface temperature.

Model 88103(*)-IEC
A narrow head, allowing the probe to fit through narrow openings. 480°C. max. surface temperature.

Model 88105(*)-IEC
Similar to the 88102, with the sensing element running parallel to the handle. 250°C. max. surface temperature.

* Specify Calibration:
E: CHROMEGA™-Constantan
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Part Number/ Desc.
88001 with element protected by metal side pins
Availability: 7 weeks
K Type, Straight head, Standard probe, 480°C max. surface
Availability: 2 weeks
E Type, Straight head, Standard probe, 480°C max. surface
88002 with element protected by PFA side rails
Availability: 7 weeks
K Type, Straight head, Low temperature 250°C max. surface
Availability: 7 weeks
E Type, Straight head, Low temperature 250°C max. surface
88003 with element protected by metal side rails
Availability: 12 weeks
K Type, Straight head, 480°C max. surface
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with the88003K
Availability: In Stock
K Type, Straight head, 480°C (900°F). max. surface
Availability: 7 weeks
E Type, Straight head, 480°C max. surface
88011 for measurement of 30 mm dia pipes
Availability: 7 weeks
K type, Curved head measures pipe diameters of 30 mm, 250°C.
Availability: 7 weeks
E type, Curved head measures pipe diameters of 30 mm, 250°C.
88012 surface probe, 6 mm dia.
Availability: 10 weeks
K type surface probe with 6 mm dia sensing area
Availability: 7 weeks
E type surface probe with 6 mm dia sensing area
88101 with element protected by metal side rails & right angled head
Availability: 7 weeks
K Type, Right-angle head for hard-to-reach inside surfaces. 480°C. max. surface
Availability: 7 weeks
E Type, Right-angle head for hard-to-reach inside surfaces. 480°C. max. surface
88102 right angled pencil style surface probe with element perpendicular to handle
Availability: 7 weeks
K Type, Right-angle surface probe
Availability: 7 weeks
E Type, Right-angle surface probe
88103 flat, square, right-angle head with low profile for narrow openings
Availability: 7 weeks
K Type, Right-angle surface probe
Availability: 7 weeks
E Type, Right-angle surface probe
88105 right angled pencil style surface probe with element parallel to handle
Availability: 7 weeks
K Type, Right-angle surface probe
Availability: 7 weeks
E Type, Right-angle surface probe
Replacement Elements
Availability: 5 weeks
Type K Replacement Element
Availability: 5 weeks
Type K Replacement Element
Availability: 5 weeks
Type K Replacement Element
Availability: 5 weeks
Type K Replacement Element
Availability: In Stock
Type K Replacement Element
Availability: 5 weeks
Type K Replacement Element
Availability: In Stock
Type K Replacement Element
Availability: 5 weeks
Type K Replacement Element
Availability: In Stock
Compliant upon request K type thermocouple, male standard to female mini
Availability: 2 weeks
Compliant upon request E type thermocouple, male standard to female mini
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
Note: Replaceable Element supplied free (except 88012 which is not replaceable), for additional elements order the partnumber -RE. For example: 88001E-RE
Ordering Example: (1) 88011K-IEC Model 88011 with a Type K thermocouple: To measure temperature on piping up to 30 mm dia., £211.71
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