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Discontinued -  Low Cost Circular Temperature Chart Recorders with or w/out Display,Built in Sensor

CT88 Series

 | CT88 Series

  • This model is no longer available, please review our range here for a possible alternative.


This model is no longer available, please review our range here for a possible alternative.

Place Order(Specify Model Number)
Part Number/ Desc.
Availability: 10 weeks
Replacement charts (box of 60) for 7 days chart, 45 to 90°F range
Availability: 10 weeks
Replacement charts (box of 60) for 24 hours chart, -30 to 50°C range
Availability: 2 weeks
Replacement charts (box of 60) for 7 days chart, -20 to 120°F range
Availability: 2 weeks
Replacement pen (red)
Availability: In Stock
9 V battery
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
Note: Recorders come complete with package of charts, pens, batteries and operator’s manual.

Part Number Builder

Build Your Part Number Below
Option Descriptions:

(1) Circular Chart Temperature Recorders and Replacement Charts select from:
CT88D- for 6 inch chart recorder w/digital display
CT88N- for 6 inch chart recorder w/o digital display
CT88CH- for Replacement charts (box of 60)

(2) Temperature Range Code select from:
-20-120F/7D for -20 to 120°F
0-100F/7D for 0 to 100°F
45-90F/7D for 45 to 90°F
-30-50C/7D for -30 to 50°C
0-45C/7D for 0 to 45°C
-20-120F/24H for -20 to 120°F
0-100F/24H for 0 to 100°F
45-90F/24H for 45 to 90°F
-30-50C/24H for -30 to 50°C
0-45C/24H for 0 to 45°C
Note: All combinations may not be valid, check spec sheet for valid part numbers.
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