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PFA Safety Coated Liquid-In-Glass Thermometers

GT30000 series

PFA Safety Coated Liquid-In-Glass Thermometers | GT30000 series

PFA Safety Coated Liquid-In-Glass Thermometers


These thermometers have added safety and protection from breakage! In the event of breakage, the PFA flouropolymer safety coating keeps the liquid and glass encapsulated. Ideal for use in chemical laboratories, universities, scientific institutions, food and beverage processing, petrochemical laboratories, pharmaceutical industry, medical industry, manufacturers, dairies, breweries and distilleries. These thermometers are manufactured and tested by our USA Quality team whose standards are traceable to NIST. Each Thermometer includes a multi-language (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) Statement of Accuracy and Traceability. Should you require an individual Thermometer Calibration Report, factory calibrated thermometers or custom calibration services are available, please request at time of order.
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Part Number/ Desc.
Partial Immersion Thermometers
Availability: 15 weeks
Yellow Back, Range -10/110°C, Divisions 1, Length 200 mm (7.9'), Immersion 50 mm (2'), Accuracy 1, Traceable to DAkkS Yes
Availability: 15 weeks
Yellow Back, Range -10/150°C, Divisions 1, Length 200 mm (7.9'), Immersion 50 mm (2'), Accuracy 1, 1.5 above 110°C, Traceable to DAkkS Yes
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White Back, Range -10/110°C, Divisions 1, Length 200 mm (7.9'), Immersion 50 mm (2'), Accuracy 1.5, Traceable to DAkkS No
Total Immersion Thermometers
Availability: 15 weeks
White Back, Range -20/110°C, Divisions 1, Length 300 mm (12'), Immersion Total, Accuracy 1.5, Traceable to DAkkS No
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD

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