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Verification Thermometers



Verification Thermometers | GT-20720T

Verification Thermometers

  • Traceable to NIST, DAkkS and most standards through ILAC
  • PFA flouropolymer Safety Coating
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These thermometers are used to verify sample temperatures in freezers, refrigerators, incubators and ovens with traceability to NIST, DAkkS and most standards through ILAC. Ideal for chemical industry, petrochemistry, pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic, producers of chemicals, university, dairies, breweries, distillers, beer cellars, refrigeration house, hot houses, scientific institutes, blood banks, refrigeration/freezer/incubator/oven equipment producers and producers of laboratory equipment. Each model features individual serial numbers and a Statement of Accuracy indicating accuracy traceable to NIST. Tested and calibrated in our exclusive triple accredited/registered ISO/IEC 17025:2005, A2LA accredited laboratory against equipment whose calibration is traceable to NIST. These thermometers feature PFA flouropolymer safety coating and a multi-language (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) Statement of Accuracy indicating accuracy traceable to NIST and DAkkS.
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Part Number/ Desc.
High Precision Verification Thermometers
Availability: 15 weeks
Refrigerator, Range -2/10°C, Divisions 0.1, Length 180 mm (7.1"), Bottle Size 60 ml, Accuracy 0.2°C, PFA Safety Coated Yes, Traceable DAkkS Yes
Precision Verification Thermometers
Availability: 15 weeks
Blood Bank, Range -5/20°C, Divisions 0.5, Length 135 mm (5.3"), Bottle Size 30 ml, Accuracy 0.5°C, PFA Safety Coated Yes, Traceable DAkkS Yes
Availability: 15 weeks
Incubator, Range 15/50°C, Divisions 0.5, Length 135 mm (5.3"), Bottle Size 30 ml, Accuracy 0.5°C, PFA Safety Coated Yes, Traceable DAkkS Yes
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD

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