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iMonnit Enterprise S/W for Monnit Alta Wireless Sensing Networks


iMonnit Enterprise S/W for Monnit Alta Wireless Sensing Networks
 | iMonnit-Enterprise

£725.46 MNW-EP-250

  • Downloaded from Once You Receive an Activation Code
  • Permanent License (Automated Software Update Service and be Additional Purchased)
  • Installed on Your Company's Computer Servers
  • Includes Notification via SMS text and Email (Requires SMTP Server)
  • Export Sensor Data to CSV Format



iMonnit Enterprise is available for large organizations with specific data/usage requirements. It allows the organization to host and maintain their own sensor data, integrating the Monnit wireless data into their own IIoT applications. iMonnit Enterprise software licenses are permanent, but you can purchase an automatic software update service (for new versions with enhancements) as shown below.

License for using up to 250 wireless sensors - $599*
License for using up to 2,000 wireless sensors - $4,495*
* A maintenance fee of 20% can be paid annually for new updates

Minimum System Requirements

  • Windows Server® 2012 or newer, 2 GB RAM, 2.0GHz Processor, ASP.NET Framework v4.5
  • Web Server, IIS 7, ASP.Net MVC Framework v4.0
  • SQL Server ® 2008 or Newer (Database Server)

Installation Recommendations
  • We recommend that you have a resource familiar with Microsoft stack server deployments. This resource should understand IIS website configuration, SQL Server Management, and Windows Services. This could be a System Administrator, Developer, DBA or someone with similar experience.
  • If you do not have access to a resource, Monnit provides the following installation support options:
    - Complete Enterprise Installation - $400 (One time fee)
    Note: To utilize this service we will need temporary administrative remote access to the server.
    - Enterprise Installation Support - $200 (2hr increments)

When iMonnit software licenses are purchased, you need to include a customer email with your purchase order. The code for activating the software license on will be emailed to that email address. Software licenses are not stocked so they will show up as "Out of Stock", but they are still always available.


Place Order(Specify Model Number)
Part Number/ Desc.
Availability: 9 weeks
iMonnit Enterprise S/W, 250 Sensor License
Availability: 3 weeks
iMonnit Enterprise S/W, 2000 Sensor License
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
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