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Full Bridge Thin Beam Load Cells for Loads 110 g to 18 kg


Full Bridge Thin Beam Load Cell loadcell | LCL

Full Bridge Thin Beam Load Cell loadcell

£123.32 LCL-040

  • Measures Force or Displacement
  • Thermally Matched, Fully Active, Full Bridge Gauge for Optimum Temperature Tracking
Load Cells, Force Sensors and Torque Transducers - View related products


When small load measurements are required, the OMEGA ® LCL Series thin beam load cells are exceptionally well suited. The LCL Series is designed to measure many different parameters found in medical instrumentation, home appliances, process control, robotics, automotive and many other high volume applications. A specially developed integrated strain gage includes all balancing, compensating and conductive elements and is laminated to the beam to provide excellent stability and reliability.

Excitation: 5 Vdc, 12V max
Rated Output: 2 mV/V ±20%
(to minimize ±20% tolerance, end user must calibrate with a known weight)
Zero Balance: ±0.75 mV/V
Combined Error: ±0.50% FS
Operating Temperature: -54 to 93°C (-65 to 200°F)
Compensated Temperature: -7 to 49°C (20 to 120°F)
Temperature Effects:
   Zero balance: 0.02% FS/°F
   Output: 0.02%/°F
Resistance (Input and Output): 1200 ±300 Ω
Insulation Resistance: 1000 Ω @ 50 Vdc
Seal: Urethane coated
Safe Overload: 150% FS
Full Scale Deflection: 0.25 to 1.27 mm (0.010 to 0.050")
Lead Wire: 9" shielded PVC 4-conductor 30 AWG
Material: >816 gf (2lb): 301 SS
             ≤816 gf (2 lb) beryllium copper
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Mounting kit for LCL-005 to LCL-040 range (required)
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
Note: For detailed specifications and mounting considerations please link to PDF spec sheet below.
Ordering Example: (1) LCL-CL1 Mounting Kit, £23.48  plus (1) LCL-227G Thin beam load cell with 227 gram capacity, £123.32, £23.48 + 123.32 = £146.80
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