PRS-M12 Series Hygienic RTD Sensors
3-A Authorization
Can Be Used In Hygienic, Sanitary and Clean-In-Place Food, Dairy, Brewing and BioPharmeceutical Applications
M12, 4-Pin Connector Allows for Quick and Easy Installation.
1½" Tri-Grip™ (Tri-Clamp® Compatible) Fitting Conforming to ASME-BPE-2007 Standard, Other Flange Diameters and Styles Available
Wetted Surfaces are 316L Stainless Steel With a Surface Finish = 32 Microinches or Better
1/4" Diameter Probe Design for Standard Duty, or
3/8" to 3/16" Stepped Probe Design For Heavy Duty Applications
Probe Lengths of 3", 4", 5" or 6" Available from Stock, Other Lengths Also Available.
4-Wire, Pt100, Class A Platinum RTD Sensor (100.00±0.06&#Omega; at 0°C) Standard
Compatible with 3-Wire and 2-Wire RTD Instruments & Transmitters
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† All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
Note: For standard duty probe lengths longer than 6", change "-0600" in model number to the required length (example: 12" = "-1200", 9¼" = "-0925").For heavy duty probe lengths longer than 6", change "-0600" in model number to the required length (example: 12" = "-1200", 9¼" = "-0925").Contact sales for additional pricing