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Hygienic Pressure Transmitters and Pressure Transducers. 0.08% Accuracy


PX409S Hygienic Pressure Transmitters

PX409S Pressure Transducers with hygienic Tri-clamp flange | PX409S Hygienic Pressure Transmitters

PX409S Pressure Transducers with hygienic Tri-clamp flange

£858.49 PX429S20-100GI

  • For Hygienic or CIP (Clean-in-Place) Applications
  • Gauge, Compound Gauge, Absolute and Vacuum Ranges
  • High, 0.08%, Accuracy
  • Solid State Sensor for Durability
  • Excellent Long Term Stability
  • 316L SS Wetted Parts
  • Shock and Vibration Rated
  • High Overpressure Rating
  • Ruggedised with Secondary Containment
  • M12 Connector Models PX459S
  • mV/V, 0-5 Vdc, 0-10 Vdc, 4-20 mA Outputs Available
  • Gauge and Absolute Pressure to 600 psi
Pressure Transducers - View related products


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The PX409S Series hygienic pressure transducers and hygienic pressure transmitters are made using our proven micromachined silicon process. They are available with 1½ or 2 inch hygienic flanged fittings (Tri-Grip) and are designed for long reliable service in pressure or level CIP applications in food processing, brewing or bio/ pharmaceutical applications as well as industrial applications that require a rugged, high accuracy transducer. The micro-machined silicon sensor provides a very stable transducer with exceptional high accuracy of 0.08% and a broad compensated range of -6.7 to 85°C. The modular construction allows for fast delivery of most configurations and fittings. Vacuum models measure negitive gauge pressure, output is zero at ambient pressure and increases with decreasing pressure. Compound Gauge models measure +/- gauge pressure and have a corresponding bi-directional voltage outputs. 4-20 mA models have zero pressure (ambient) set at 12 mA.

Accuracy: 0.08% Best Straight Line (Linearity, Hysteresis and Repeatability combined)
Operating Temperature Range: -15 to 115°C
Compensated Temperature Range: -6.7 to 85°C
Temperature Compensation: Zero and Span Combined
    ≥5psi: 1% over 55°C range
    ≤2.5 psi: 2% over 55°C range
Min Isolation Between Case and Output Terminations: 100 MΩ @ 50 Vdc
Pressure Cycles: 1 million, minimum
Long Term Stability (1-Year): ±0.1% FS typ.
Shock: 50 g, 11 ms half sine shock, (under test)
Vibration: ±20 g (under test)
Bandwidth: DC to 1 kHz typical
Response Time: <1 ms
Fill Fluid: NEOBEE M5 Food grade
Designed to Meet or Exceed 3A Sanitary Specification 74-03
CE Compliant: Meets industrial emissions and immunity standard IEC61326
Environmental Protection: IP65 or IP67 depending upon electrical termination
Pressure Rating: 1½ and 2 inch Tri-Grip™ (Tri-Clamp® compatible) fitting: 600 psi
using suitable clamp
Over Pressure: 4 x rated pressure to maximum rated flange pressure
Secondary Containment: 6 x rated pressure to a maximum of 2000 psi (not in clamp)
Wetted Parts: 316L SS
Weight: 285 gm
Zero Balance: ±0.5% FS typical, 1% max (For ranges ≤2.5 psi ±1% typ 2% max)
Span Setting: ±0.5% FS typical, 1% max (For ranges ≤2.5 psi, ±1% typ 2% max)
Calibrated in vertical position with fitting down
Millivolt - 10 mV/V Output
     Output/Supply: 10 mV/V; Ratiometric 5 to 10 Vdc
Amplified Voltage Output
    Output/ Supply:
    0 to 5 Vdc: 10 to 30 Vdc @ 10 mA
    0 to 10 Vdc: 15 to 30 Vdc @ 10 mA
Current Output
    Output: 4 to 20 mA
    Supply Voltage: 9 to 30 Vdc max loop res Ω = (Vs-9)x50 [9 to 20 Vdc above 105°C]
    2 m vented cable: PX409S
    2 m vented cable and conduit: PX409CS
    Mini-Din Connector: PX419S
    Twist Lock Connector: PX429S
    M12 Connector: PX459S

Please use the part number builder below to select the model and options required to meet your requirements.

Place Order(Specify Model Number)
Part Number/ Desc.
Use the part number builder below to order models not shown. Specify the fitting size, pressure range, output, and electrical termination desired.
Hygienic Pressure Transmitter with 1½ inch TRI-GRIP Fitting, 4-20 mA Output, Gauge Pressure, 2 metre Vented Cable Connection, IP67
Availability: 19 weeks
0-10 inH2O gauge pressure Range (0-25 mbar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-1 psig Range (0-69 mbar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-2.5 psig Range (0-172 mbar)
Availability: 2 weeks
0-5 psig Range (0-345 mbar)
Availability: 2 weeks
0-15 psig Range (0-1 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-30 psig Range (0-2.1 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-50 psig Range (0-3.4 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-100 psig Range (0-6.9 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-150 psig Range (0-10.3 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-250 psig Range (0-17.2 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-500 psig Range (0-34.5 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-600 psig Range (0-41.4 bar)
Hygienic Pressure Transmitter with 1½ inch TRI-GRIP Fitting, 4-20 mA Output, Absolute Pressure, 2 m Cable Connection, IP67
Availability: 19 weeks
0-5 psia Range (0-345 mbar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-15 psia Range (0-1 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-30 psia Range (0-2.1 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-50 psia Range (0-3.4 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-100 psia Range (0-6.9 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-150 psia Range (0-10.3 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-250 psia Range (0-17.2 bar)
Availability: 2 weeks
0-500 psia Range (0-34.5 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-600 psia Range (0-41.4 bar)
Hygienic Pressure Transmitter with 2 inch TRI-GRIP Fitting, 4-20 mA Output, Gauge Pressure, 2m Vented Cable Connection, IP67
Availability: 19 weeks
0-10 inH2O gauge pressure Range (0-25 mbar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-1 psig Range (0-69 mbar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-2.5 psig Range (0-172 mbar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-5 psig Range (0-345 mbar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-15 psig Range (0-1 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-30 psig Range (0-2.1 bar)
Availability: 2 weeks
0-50 psig Range (0.3.4 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-100 psig Range (0-6.9 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-150 psig Range (0-10.3 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-250 psig Range (0-17.2 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-500 psig Range (0-34.5 bar)
Hygienic Pressure Transmitter with 2 inch TRI-GRIP Fitting, 4-20 mA Output, Absolute Pressure, 2m Cable Connection, IP67
Availability: 2 weeks
0-5 psia Range (0-345 mbar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-15 psia Range (0-1 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-30 psia Range (0-2.1 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-50 psia Range (0-3.4 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-100 psia Range (0-6.9 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-150 psia Range (0-10.3 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-250 psia Range (0-17.2 bar)
Availability: 19 weeks
0-500 psia Range (0-34.5 bar)
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD

Part Number Builder

Build Your Part Number Below
Option Descriptions:

(1) Electrical Termination select from:
PX409S for 2 m cable
PX409CS for conduit/cable
PX419S for mini DIN
PX429S for Twist-Lock connector
PX459S for M12 Connector

(2) Process Fitting select from:
15 for 1.5 inch Tri-Grip
20 for 2 inch Tri-Grip (500 psi max)

(3) Range select from:
10W for 0 to 10 in H2O
001 for 0 to 1 psi
2.5 for 0 to 2.5 psi
005 for 0 to 5 psi
015 for 0 to 15 psi
030 for 0 to 30 psi
050 for 0 to 50 psi
100 for 0 to 100 psi
150 for 0 to 150 psi
250 for 0 to 250 psi
500 for 0 to 500 psi
600 for 0 to 600 psi (1-1/2 Clamp only)

(4) Pressure Type select from:
G for Gauge pressure
CG for Compound Gauge Pressure (10W to 015 Ranges)
SG for Hermetically Sealed Gauge (PX429 or PX449 and Ranges >=100 psi )
A for absolute pressure (5 to 600 psia)
V for Gauge Vacuum (10W to 015 Ranges)

(5) Output Type select from:
V for 10 mV/V
5V for 0 to 5 Vdc
10V for 0 to 10 Vdc
I for 4 to 20 mA
Note: All combinations may not be valid, check spec sheet for valid part numbers.
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