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Subminiature mV Output Pressure Transducer with Flush Diaphragm. 3/8-24 Fitting


Flush Diaphragm subminiature Pressure Transducer | PX600

Flush Diaphragm subminiature Pressure Transducer

£563.63 PX600-200GV

  • Pressure transducer with all Stainless Steel Diaphragm and 3/8-24 Threaded Side Wall Construction
  • Rugged Stainless Steel Case Protects Components in Industrial Environments
  • Uses a Standard 5 Vdc Regulated Power Supply for Maximum Versatility
  • Custom Subminiature Design Techniques Provide Small Size and Preserves Accuracy
Pressure Transducers - View related products


Excitation: 5 Vdc @15 mA
Output: 10 mV typical @ 5 Vdc
Sensitivity: 2 mV/V
Nominal Input Impedance: 360 Ohms min
Output Resistance: 350 Ohms min Insulation
Resistance: 5 MOhms @ 75 Vdc
Accuracy: ±1% FS( Linearity and Hysteresis combined)
Repeatability: ±0.1% FS
Zero Balance: ±3% FS
Operable Temperature Range: -54 to 121°C
Compensated Temperature Range: 16 to 71°C
Thermal Zero Effect: less than ±0.01% full scale/°F
Thermal Sensitivity Effect: ±0.02% Reading/ °F
Proof Pressure:150% Range
Burst Pressure: 400% Range
Body and Diaphragm Material: 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
O-Ring: 2-011 Polyvinyl: 2-011-P
FKM: 2-011-V
Electrical Connection: 4 Core Cable
Weight: 14 g

Compatible meters: DP41-B**, DP25B-S-230**

Place Order(Specify Model Number)
Part Number/ Desc.
Availability: 2 weeks
0 to 200 psig sub-miniature flush diaphragm transducer
Availability: 2 weeks
0 to 500 psig sub-miniature flush diaphragm transducer
Availability: 12 weeks
0 to 1,000 psig sub-miniature flush diaphragm transducer
Availability: 18 weeks
0 to 2,000 psig sub-miniature flush diaphragm transducer
Availability: 18 weeks
0 to 3,000 psig sub-miniature flush diaphragm transducer
Availability: 18 weeks
0 to 5,000 psig sub-miniature flush diaphragm transducer
Availability: 18 weeks
0 to 10,000 psig sub-miniature flush diaphragm transducer
Availability: 2 weeks
Polyvinyl O-rings, pack of 10
Availability: 5 weeks
FKM O-rings, pack of 10
Availability: 8 weeks
4 Digit 1/8 DIN panel Meter. 230Vac powered
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
Note: ** Meter Excitation Voltage requires field adjustment by customer to 5 Vdc.
Ordering Example: (1) PX600-200GV 200 psig subminiature transducer, £563.63
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