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Reversible Temperature Labels

RLC-60 Series

RLC-60 Series Temperature labels | RLC-60 Series

RLC-60 Series Temperature labels

£15.23 RLC-60-58/88-10

  • Features Wide Range – 16 Indicating Levels in Two-Degree °F and
    One-Degree °C Increments
  • Excellent Visibility and Presentation of Environmental Changes
  • Temperature Square Becomes Green to Indicate Temperature (Blue Means Slightly Lower and Brown Means Slightly Higher Than True Readings)
Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers - View related products


Find how Temperature stickers work on this link.

Pricing for several popular models is shown in the ordering table below.
Use the Part Number Builder to obtain pricing for other models.
For complete product specifications see the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.
Place Order(Specify Model Number)
Part Number/ Desc.
Availability: 2 weeks
14 to 31°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 10
Availability: 2 weeks
14 to 31°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 30
Availability: 15 weeks
-3 to 13°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 10
Availability: 15 weeks
-3 to 13°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 30
Availability: 2 weeks
14 to -31°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 30
Availability: 2 weeks
-3 to 13°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 10
Availability: 2 weeks
32 to 49°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 10
Availability: 15 weeks
32 to 49°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 30
Availability: 2 weeks
32 to 49°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 10
Availability: 2 weeks
32 to 49°C Liquid Crystal Strips, Pack of 30
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
Note: Insert “-10” for pack of 10 or “-30” for pack of 30.
Ordering Example: (1) RLC-60-58/88-30 16 Liquid Crystal Strips, 14 to 31°C
Pack of 30, £42.52

Part Number Builder

Build Your Part Number Below
Option Descriptions:

(1) Temperature Range select from:
58/88 for 58 to 88°F/14 to 31°C (2°F increments)
26/56 for 26 to 56°F/-3°C to 13°C (2°F increments)
14/31 for 14 to 31°C/58 to 88°F (1°C increments)
3/3 for –3 to 13°C/26 to 56°F (1°C increments)
90/120 for 90 to 120°F/32 to 49°C (2°F increments)
32/49 for 32 to 49°C/90 to 120°F (1°C increments)

(2) Package Quantity select from:
-10 for Pack of 10
-30 for Pack of 30
Note: All combinations may not be valid, check spec sheet for valid part numbers.
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