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Zener Barriers for Intrinsic Safety  - Discontinued

SBG Series

Zener Barriers for Intrinsic Safety | SBG Series

Zener Barriers for Intrinsic Safety


The SBG series has been discontinued. Please contact our Flow Engineering department for a viable replacement.

OMEGA™ Solid State Relays and Zener Barriers for Intrinsic Safety
The maximum energy possible at the switch terminals of the OMEGA™ zener barriers is far below the explosive point of the most volatile surrounding gas conditions. The type of non-voltage-producing switch or sensor best fitted for the application can be used, since the entire switching circuit is rendered intrinsically safe by the OMEGA™ zener barrier. Because the switching circuit is low voltage, there is no shock hazard to operating or maintenance personnel.

Installation and Maintenance
OMEGA™ zener barrier units are normally installed in a safe area and connected to the sensor in a hazardous location; no explosion-proof or protective housings are needed. Units install singly in any position, or can be grouped on a common earthgrounded plate with mounting tabs to provide electrical grounding. Between 6 and 32 threaded electrical terminals are conveniently placed atop the unit housings.
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Single Channel Zener Barriers, UL, FM and CSA Approvals, division 1,2
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
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