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Veterinary Implantation Probes for Thermocouples, RTDs, and Thermistors

VIP Series

Veterinary Implantation Probes for Thermocouples, RTDs, and Thermistors | VIP Series

  • Available "T" Themocouple, RTD, or Thermistor
  • Custom Lengths Available - Consult Sales
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OMEGA’s VIP’s (Veterinary Implantation Probes) are designed for continuous monitoring of animal rectal temperatures. Unique construction makes them flexible enough that they do not cause undue animal discomfort while inserted, yet they are rigid enough for proper insertion to prevent the animal from discharging the probe during the test period.

Probes are constructed with a specially shaped stainless steel measuring tip with a 7 /32 " O.D., 3 /16 " long. The transition from the stainless steel tip to the flexible, polyurethane tubing is designed for maximum smoothness. Polyurethane tubing is used to protect the 6-foot*stranded thermocouple (Type "T"). The probe terminates in a compensated thermocouple connector pair (SMP-T-MF). Both halves of the connector are included for your convenience. Probes may be cleaned by wiping with an alcohol solution or other suitable disinfectant solutions. Maximum temperature range is -70 to 80°C (-100° to 180°F.)

In addition to the Type "T" (Copper-Constantan) sensors, the probe can be supplied with a 100 ohm Platinum Resistance element (RTD) or an OMEGA Series 700 Thermistor. Compatible digital readouts are available for use with these probes, with resolutions down to .01°. For complete 5.4 mm

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Part Number/ Desc.
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Thermistor Sensor VIP
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T Thermocouple Sensor VIP
Availability: 2 weeks
RTD Sensor VIP
All amounts shown in EUR, GBP, or USD
Note: All probes were designed for industrial, laboratory, manufacturing and chemical research only. They are not intended for medicinal use, or on humans. OMEGA Engineering, Inc. assumes no responsibility if these products are used for medicinal purposes, or on humans, or are misused in any way. Ordering Example: (1) VIP-RTD RTD Sensor, VIP , £103.21
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