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Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments

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Handheld Humidity and Temperature Instruments
Handheld Humidity and Temperature Instruments
Measure and record temperature and humidity readings anywhere. Choose from various handheld meters with an array of features. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Pocket Testers
Pocket Testers
The ultimate in portability, keep these handy where ever you need a humidity or temperature reading. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Humidity and Humidity/Temperature Transmitters and Signal Conditioners
Humidity and Humidity/Temperature Transmitters and Signal Conditioners
Continuously monitor the humidity and temperature of any environment, from anywhere, with selections from Omega's transmitters and signal conditioners. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Humidity Generators, Dewpoint Meters, Chilled Mirrors and Calibrators
Humidity Generators, Dewpoint Meters, Chilled Mirrors and Calibrators
Highly reliable and accurate dew point monitors, employing a chilled mirror sensor to deliver consistent drift-free measurements without regular calibrations or sensor replacement. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Humidity Controllers and Analysers
Humidity Controllers and Analysers
Maintain a steady environment with RH/temperature sensors and controllers. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Humidity, Humidity/Temp Dewpoint Recorders
Humidity, Humidity/Temp Dewpoint Recorders
Record temperature and humidity readings for short or extended periods, and in a variety of different applications. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Wind and Weather Stations, Rain Gauges
Wind and Weather Stations, Rain Gauges
Keep track of the weather with weather and wind stations and other gauges. VIEW PRODUCTS »
NOMAD® Humidity, Humidity/Temperature, Dataloggers
NOMAD® Humidity, Humidity/Temperature, Dataloggers
These all-in-one compact, portable, easy-to-use devices will measure and record humidity, temperature and pressure measurements. Great for limited space applications and small enough to keep on-hand just incase. VIEW PRODUCTS »
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