Strain Applications


Companies choose OMEGA’s SGT range of strain gauges for their car crash simulations due to their high reliability and flexibility.

Strain Gauges
OMEGA currently supplies companies with strain gauges for COMPACT IMPACT SIMULATOR testing and HORIZONTAL IMPACT SIMULATOR testing. OMEGA strain gauges rugged construction and flexibility make them suitable for highly accurate static and dynamic measurement.

Stress Analysis of Axial Load and Suspension

OMEGA are experts at providing the most suitable strain gauge systems for all automotive applications and can make any strain analysis experiment successful.

Strain Gauges for R&D
OMEGA has a history of using strain gauges in the high performance automotive R&D process. We are able to supply gauges that can record bending in axial load and suspension with extreme accuracy. We have general purpose, Karma and transducer quality strain gauges as well as strain gauge meters and other instruments.

Customer Applications

We offer a variety of products to help you with all your automotive needs